One of the objectives of the Ismailia demonstration projects in Egypt was to learn from the experience and contribute to urban management, planning and housing policy in Egypt and beyond. For this reason we are keen to encourage studies and share information. For those interested in finding out more, here is a list. If you have comments or additional sources, please let me know.
For downloadable materials link here.
Any researcher interested in work in Ismailia can contact me for help in accessing information.
Al-Ahmad, A. (2014) Sustainable Urban Development: The Case of Ismailia. Available at: https://www.academia.edu/8092843/Sustainable_Urban_Development_the_case_of_Ismailia?auto=download&email_work_card=download-paper.
Batran, E.-M., 1994. Transforming the role of the private sector in managing and developing urban land for the poor. , with special reference to Ismailia.
Blunt, A., 1982. Ismailia Sites and Services and Upgrading Projects-A preliminary evaluation. Habitat International, 6(5/6), pp.587–597.
Davidson, Forbes, 1981. Ismailia: From master Plan to Implementation. Third World Planning Review, pp.161–178.
Davidson, F, 1984. Upgrading in Ismailia: A Tale of Two Projects. MIT summer series workshop 84, p.7.
Davidson, Forbes, 1984. Ismailia: Combined Upgrading and Sites and Services Projects in Egypt. In G. . Payne, ed. Low Income Housing in the developing world. Chichester: Wiley.
Davidson, Forbes ISOCARP, 1994. Improving effectiveness of Planning: Case of Ismailia, Egypt. In Improving effectiveness of Planning. Prague: ISOCARP.
Davidson, F, 2000. Profile of El Hekr (Hai El Salam) Project, Egypt. In F Davidson & G. Payne, eds. Urban Projects Manual. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 148–154.
Davidson, F & Payne, G., 2004. Manual de proyectos urbanisticos, translated from English by Gonzalez Pantaleon, edited in Spanish by Carlos de la Espriella.
Davidson, Forbes, Payne, G.K. ., 2000. Urban projects manual : a guide to the preparation of projects for new development and upgrading relevant to low income groups, based on the approach used for the Ismailia Demonstration Projects, Egypt 2nd ed., Liverpool: Liverpool University Press for Department for International Development. This manual is now available for download. Downloads
Davidson, Forbes & Hefnawi, A. el, 2008. Evaluation of the project “Participatory Slum Upgrading in El-Hallous and El-Bhatini, Ismailia, Egypt.” ( for access see Downloads and links related to the Ismailia projects)
Ibrahim Y, M., 1998. A GIS application to evaluate urban upgrading projects. A case study of Hai el Salaam upgrading project, Ismailia City, Egypt. Urban Survey.
Ismail, A. & Meikle, S., 1991. The comparative performance of four institutions. In Shelter, settlements and the poor. London: Intermediate Technology Publishing, pp. 15–20.
Kareem Ibrahim, « Post-Revolutionary Urban Egypt: A New Mode of Practice? »,Égypte/Monde arabe, Troisième série, 11 | 2014, mis en ligne le 06 avril 2014, consulté le 11 août 2014. URL : http://ema.revues.org/3330
Khairy, M.S.E.-D., 1998. Urban Development Management Case study no 1 in Ismailia. Impact assessment of town extension projects. Case study of Hai el Salam project in Ismailia. , p.54 plus appendices.
Khoury, Z. B., 1996. Implementing the new urban agenda: the case of Ismailia, Egypt. Environment and Urbanization, 8(1), pp.195–209. Available at: http://eau.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/8/1/195 [Accessed May 19, 2012].
Khoury, Zaki B, 1996a. Environment and Urbanization. Third World Planning Review.
Khoury, Zaki B, 1996b. Implementing the new urban agenda: the case of Ismailia, Egypt. Environment and Urbanization, 8(1). Available at: http://eau.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/8/1/195.pdf.
Khudori, D., 1996. La Ville Mediterranne Cherche son Identitie. Europeens er Arabes dans lévolution de l’habitat a Ismailia. In La Ville Mediterranne Cherche son Identitie. Paris: University of Paris Sorbonne.
Matteucci, C., 2006. Il Progetto per Larea di Hai el Salam, Ismailia, Egitto, 1978. Faculty of Architecture, p.103.
Matteucci C., 2006, Long-term evaluation of an urban development Project: the case of Hai El Salam. 7th N-Aerus Conference. Darmstadt: N-Aerus. ( for access see Downloads and links related to the Ismailia projects)
Rakodi, Carole. ‘Urban Projects Manual’, Book Review, in Third World Planning Review, Liverpool, Vol. 6, Iss. 4, Nov. 1984
Serag-el-Din Dina K., H. b; S., 1987. The practical application of modern theoretical concepts in housing: a case study of “Hai el Salam” Ismailia, Egypt. African Urban Quarterly, 3, pp.16–33.
Silcox, S.C., 1985. A comparative Evaluation of three upgrading projects in Egypt (Helwan, Manshiet Nasser and Ismailia). ( for access see Downloads and links related to the Ismailia projects)
Tayler, Kevin and Green, Ian 1987 A Constraints Governed Approach to Development: Lessons from Two Projects in Egypt. Paper prepared for a conference for International Year of Shelter for the Homeless, London, 1987 ( for access see Downloads and links related to the Ismailia projects)
Vargas Mata, Isabel. ‘Proyecto Demostrativo de Vivienda Ismailia, Egipto: Caso de studio El Hekr -1977-1978’
Welbank, Michael 1984. ‘Urban Projects Manual’, Book Review, in Cities, Vol. 1, Issue 5
UNCHS, 1994. Hai el Salam Project, an Upgrading and Sites-and Services Project, Ismailia, Egypt, Nairobi: UNCHS. ( for access see Downloads and links related to the Ismailia projects)
Other information on Ismailia and the projects of Hai el Salam and Abu Atwa