Learning from projects

  • Projects  are an important way to get things done.  In many cases they also have the objective of learning lessons.   This is often the case with nationally or internationally supported development projects.   Unfortunately the effort tha goes nto learning lessons  and disseminating results is limited, especially the important area of learning lessons over time.
During a project the incentive is to promote the image of success.  After the project, those involved would like to see it as a ” best practice”.  This can get in the way of learning lessons, which come from mistakes as well as getting things right.
The aim of entries in this Section will be to reflect on lessons.  This will take some time to develop.
Key questions:
  • why is it interesting?
  • what lessons were  learned initially?
  • what, if anything have we learned over time?
  • have innovations been robust enough to sustain the changes in their environment?

The projects discussed are ones I have been involved in personally, some carried out as part of Forbes Davidson Planning, but others from my time with IHS and before that with Culpin Planning.  Coverage will be developed progressively.


Egypt: Ismailia Master Plan and Demonstration Projects

To be covered in future:

Kosovo: Support to establish the Kosovo Insitute for Spatial Planning and develop the Kosovo Strategic Spatial Plan

Indonesia: Training support for the Integrated Urban Infrastructure Development Programme (IUIDP)

Palestine: Support for the institutionalizing of Strategic Development Plans

India: Adhra Pradesh Urban Services for the Poor (APUSP)